We offer access to a bookmakers historical odds archive database that contains game odds information for 20 years.
The database has the most popular sports like: Football, Basketball, Hockey, Tennis, Baseball, American Football, Volleyball, Handball, eSports, Badminton, Table Tennis.
The database has the odds of the most popular bookmakers in the world like: Bet365, Pinnacle, 1xBet, Bwin, Unibet, William Hill, GGBET.
We get data from from open sources.
You will be able to access the database after order.
No. Data can only be accessed through our web table.
No, we don't have API access.
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Best of all predicts what will be in the future - what was in the past. Our database is needed for betting players. Most bookmakers are likely to know the outcome of almost all games. Depending on the outcome, bookmakers put odds on different types of bets. Let's say in 2010 there was a game between Team 1 and Team 2. The bookmakers knew in advance that with a high probability Team 1 would win. Therefore, they gave for the victory of Team 1 - 1.70, for a draw - 3.45 and for the victory of Team 2 - 4.20. The game ended with a score of 2-1. Let's say tomorrow other teams play. Bookmakers there also know with a high probability that Team 1 will win in this game. Bookmakers also give odds in this game as they did in 2010 / 1.70 / 3.45 / 4.20 /. We open the base, enter these odds and get the game of 2010, where the first team won 2-1. So in tomorrow’s game, bookmakers expect Team 1 to win. So you need to bet on Team 1. Thus, the odds base predicted a future outcome.
We update the database every day.